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This week, from Monday, 13 May 2024, to Sunday, 19 May 2024, marks Mental Health Awareness Week, coinciding with the challenges facing the skills and employability market. We find ourselves confronted with mounting concerns stemming from economic uncertainty while awaiting political decisions in Whitehall. The combination of funding challenges, economic instability, and a wave of organizational closures and redundancies has placed an additional strain on everyone’s mental health. In fact, I recently joked with a senior client that I feel as much a counsellor as a recruiter in recent months!


Redundancy and job losses loom large in the minds of professionals across our sector, and with more organizations openly discussing cuts in the near future, it’s crucial that we all offer support and advice to our peers and colleagues on coping with the mental health impact. Losing a job can trigger feelings and stresses similar to those experienced during a serious injury, divorce, or the loss of a loved one, often leading to stages of grieving.


Having a stable income and financial security is vital for overall well-being. Financial stress ranks among the top sources of stress, as few can endure financial strain without feeling worry or concern. Feeling secure and well-provided for fulfills a basic human need, and anything that threatens this security is likely to evoke feelings of worry, depression, and fear.


The impact on mental health extends beyond financial concerns. Many of us in the sector view our jobs or careers as vocations, providing not just income but also structure, satisfaction, and self-fulfillment. Jobs give us purpose and serve as a way to model responsibility for our children. Losing a job can evoke feelings of embarrassment, shame, or fear of being seen as unsuccessful.

While feeling anxious or worried during difficult times is normal, it becomes problematic when it interferes with daily life, affecting both work and home life. Anxiety, a natural response to stress, can enhance performance, but excessive levels hinder one’s ability to function properly.


If anxiety caused by job loss becomes overwhelming, it’s essential to take breaks from job searching and worrying to engage in activities that bring pleasure and relaxation. Regular exercise, hobbies, and maintaining connections with loved ones can improve well-being. Establishing a routine can provide structure and reduce anxiety by establishing parameters and rules.


Avoid excessive alcohol consumption, prioritize healthy eating, exercise, adequate sleep, and spend quality time with loved ones. Guided meditation apps like Headspace and Calm can also help reduce anxiety and stress.


Being proactive in organizing your time, networking, and seeking support from recruiters can be beneficial during these challenging times. Mental health awareness is crucial not just during Mental Health Awareness Week but year-round. Let’s continue to prioritize mental health and support each other through these uncertain times.


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